Monday, June 22, 2009

Cove Landscape with Herons

This is a cove drawn from life. It might be my first ever "real life landscape," because my landscapes are usually just lines and gestures. There's a lot I could do better, but I like it anyway. Especially the rocks, and the shading in the far hills.

Copic colors used: Cool Gray multiliner; Rocks W1,3,5, YG91; Hills BV20,23, C0; Grass G21+YG91, BG93; Sky B32wide, B21, C0; Mud & reeds E41,43,44, G07, YG21; Poles E00,09; Outer water BG72,75, BV20, B000, BG10; Inner water BG000,010,72,45, B000,26, W0,1, B21; Dark birds B41, C3; White birds C0.
Paper: Neenah, 8.5x11"

Sunday, June 14, 2009

River Landscape 2

I wanted to try a colored version of a 9x12 pencil landscape drawing from 1981. I used my light box to trace it onto 8.5x11 paper, moving the upper left "over and down" a little to fit the smaller page. Then I colored it sparsely. I'm happy with the result, in the spirit of the original.

Copic colors used: W0,3,5; C0,1,3,5; E41,44,49,71; Y000,11; YR00,21; BV04,20,23,31; G07,24,28; YG23,63,91; BG10,49,72,93,96
Paper: Neenah, 8.5x11"

Monday, June 8, 2009

Green Vase with Flowers

After drawing the decorative vines on the vase with olive Copic multiliner, I added dots of marker for the leaves and blossoms. Then I airbrushed the vase and the table top with the Copic airbrush. Finally, I completed the bouquet of leaves and flowers.

I like the vase and the bouquet, but I'm not so sure their styles go together well. Someday I will probably cut the drawing apart, then draw a new vase for the bouquet and a new bouquet for the vase.

Copic colors used: Blossoms RV10,14,91,95, R02,59, YR04, orange & purple multiliner; Large leaves G14,21, BV20, YG23; Large leaves G14,21, YG23, BV20; Vase pattern drawn with olive multiliner, G28, RV19, R59, BG05,75; Shadow C0, BV20; Vase background airbrushed with G24, BV23; Table airbrushed with C5, BV23, BG75
Paper: Neenah, 8.5x11"

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Striped Geode

I completed the brightly-colored inside of this geode first. The paper size is 14 x 17" with a lot of white space. The drawing, as you see it posted above, is approx. 8.5 x 11".

Copic colors used: Inside B26, YR09, Y06, RV19, V09, B05, G14, C5,7, brush small black multiliner; Outside C7, BV04, B00, G12,21,24,40, W0,5
Paper: Strathmore Bristol Board, vellum finish (a lightly textured surface - not "vellum paper")